Saturday, July 02, 2005

Anniyan - The foreigner

Just back from watching Anniyan.

Here's my review - but don't worry, I won't give the plot away!

Here's how to make your own Anniyan

1) Take the Tamil movie Indian
2) Replace the bribery part with all the other evils in society
3) Replace Kamal with Vikram
4) Replace babes Manisha & Urmila with one Sada
5) Add in a lot of Matrix Reloaded inspired graphics
6) Put in some psycho babble
7) Spice it with a lot of comedy from Vivek
8) Garnish with a lot of great songs, dance and action sequences

There, bake till the crust turns golden brown, and serve hot with a side scoop or two of vanilla icecream.

But I liked the theme and message delivered by the movie. There was a certain feel good factor emanating from the whole plot. Though bordering on the impossible, Shankar seems to be talking to the new youth on what is wrong in the first place. Stick to rules, seems to be the message of the day.

The irony of the whole trip today was that even though I was second in line, the ticket-issuing ceremony (yes, they made us wait a very very long time in queue before the counters opened!) was preceded by 2 sepereate touts coming into the line and placing their assistants in queue. Probably they haven't seen the movie yet... :)

Planning on seeing Sarkar sometime this week. Will review that also!


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